Please choose a year:
March 3 Sermon 2019
March 3 Worship 2019
"James Pt 3" March 10 Sermon 2019
March 10 Worship 2019
James Pt 4 March 17 Sermon 2019
March 17 Worship 2019
"James Pt 5" March 24 Sermon 2019
March 24 Worship 2019
March 31 Sermon 2019
March 31 Worship 2019
March 3 Sermon 2019
James deals with discrimination and favoritism in chapter 2. Learn how to eradicate social, economical, and racial discriminations from our hearts, lives, and church.
March 3 Worship 2019
"James Pt 3" March 10 Sermon 2019
The 3rd chapter of James deals with the words we speak-- that they are setting the direction of our lives.
March 10 Worship 2019
James Pt 4 March 17 Sermon 2019
James warns in chapter 4 about living a life based on selfish desires-- that a life God is pleased with must be marked by humility.
March 17 Worship 2019
"James Pt 5" March 24 Sermon 2019
As we finish the series in James, we learn that in order to see God's Promises, we must have faith AND patience. Patience to walk through our current season, staying faithful to what God has called us to. Enduring suffering, we have a confident expectation that the promise is coming!
March 24 Worship 2019
March 31 Sermon 2019
Jesus has been given authority over heaven and earth-- and we live with that authority in us! Others may speak a word, but it's not the final word-- we serve the God Who is far above it all!
March 31 Worship 2019
"Life Pt 1" February 3 Sermon 2019
February 3 Worship 2019
"Life Pt 2" February 10 Sermon 2019
February 10 Worship 2019
February 17 Worship 2019
February 17 Sermon 2019
"James Pt 1" - February 24 Sermon 2019
February 24 Worship 2019
"Life Pt 1" February 3 Sermon 2019
Its not your success in life that brings about happiness, it is the relationships that you have around you. Let's begin to serve, encourage, and protect each other.
February 3 Worship 2019
"Life Pt 2" February 10 Sermon 2019
All relationships involve conflict-- learn to see others not as the enemy, but as ones we can fight alongside of. We need to begin to encourage each other, and learn to forgive.
February 10 Worship 2019
February 17 Worship 2019
February 17 Sermon 2019
True love serves, worships and gives freely. God has given so much to us-- we are His delivery service, to show love to the world.
"James Pt 1" - February 24 Sermon 2019
James starts the book talking about the trials we as Christians walk through. That God is using them to grow us, and that there is purpose in our pain as we step into the destiny He has for us to accomplish.
February 24 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 1" January 6 Sermon 2019
January 6 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 2" January 13 Sermon 2019
January 13 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 3" January 20 Sermon 2019
January 20 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 4" January 27 Sermon 2019
"Freedom Pt 1" January 6 Sermon 2019
As we enter 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, we have to learn how to shut out the competing voices and hear what God would speak to us. Learn how fasting disconnects body and soul, and allows our spirit to hear God more clearly.
January 6 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 2" January 13 Sermon 2019
January 13 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 3" January 20 Sermon 2019
The enemy always comes at us through 3 major areas-- passions, possessions, and pride. Learn to shut the door on those areas, and live the life of freedom God has always called you to live!
January 20 Worship 2019
"Freedom Pt 4" January 27 Sermon 2019
We finish our Freedom Series with the final question: How do we stay free? Learn how God uses relationships and truth to keep us free from the slavery of sin and the enemy's lies.

3953 N Flannery Rd
Baton Rouge, LA
Sunday 10am
Wednesday Youth/College &
Men&Women’s Bible Studies 7pm